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abe rábade trío

Abe Rábade presents his new work, the sixteenth of his career, along with his usual rhythm section; Pablo Martín Caminero on double bass and Bruno Pedroso on drums.


TEMPO DE COR, released by the label Karonte, is a thematic album about the psychology of color. Seven original songs inspired by the evocative power of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white invite the listeners to let themselves be bathed in a synesthetic game that combines sound and mental image.


During the creative process, Abe had the collaboration of the plastic artist Beatriz Sáa, who works with color as a texture and created a pictorial base that accompanies the work in its physical recorded version, in digital format and on stage. The Galician filmmaker Alfonso Zarauza did a captivating videoclip of the album's first single; Ollada Serena.

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In each color our lirht dances clining to our shadow.

Abe Rábade, 2024

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Tempo de Cor Music Video

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Tempo de Cor

on Karonte Records

Abe Rábade, piano and composition

Pablo Martín Caminero, double bass

Bruno Pedroso, drums


recorded at Camaleon Music Studio (Madrid, Spain)

sound engineer: Diego Román


mixed and mastered at MB Studios (Aguda, Portugal)

sound engineer: Mário Barreiros


Kawai KX7 Piano set up and tuning: Eduardo Muñoza

Photos: Afonso Sestelo

Paitings and Body paiting: Beatriz Sáa

Album design: Arturo Itrube

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